Articles, news & legal alerts

Read the latest news from Scali Rasmussen, including legal alerts and event listings.

Timing of meal and rest breaks

Coffee Break: HR Minute

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Chris and Jennifer discuss California law regarding meal and rest breaks, meal waivers, and some common mistakes auto dealers can make.

Legal Minute: Know your rights

Scalilaw published in West Coast Dealer

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You’ll find this article by The Scali Law Firm on page 22 of the August/September 2016 issue of West Coast Dealer, a publication of the National Independent Automobile Dealers Association.

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We have sent out previous Alerts regarding the evolution of the San Diego Earned Sick Leave and Minimum Wage Ordinance. There are now further developments to report. An Implementing Ordinance, previously approved by City Council, was approved by the Mayor on August 3, 2016, and will take effect September 2, 2016.

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Consumer advocacy groups have urged the Federal Trade Commission to investigate whether Mercedes Benz’s marketing of its 2017 E­-class sedan misleads consumers by overstating the car’s autonomous capabilities. The consumer groups claim such advertising is likely to cause consumers to believe the car is self­-driving when it is not, and creates a false sense of security.

Vacation benefits

Watch out for accrual pitfalls

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It is not uncommon for employers to implement paid vacation policies in which the employee receives a lump sum of vacation time upon reaching a certain length of service or anniversary date, rather than accruing the vacation over time. For example, the employee receives zero paid vacation time in their vacation bank during their first year of employment, but at their one-year anniversary date, they are suddenly credited with one week of paid vacation. This practice is not compliant and can expose an employer to substantial liability.
