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Read the latest news from Scali Rasmussen, including legal alerts and event listings.

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The SLF, is a charitable 501c(3) organization separate from and independent of the Sacramento County Bar Association. The group provides grants to organizations that improve the administration of justice, enhance public confidence in the legal profession, cultivate understanding of and respect for the rule of law, and support law-related public services.

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The Labor Commissioner’s Office recently updated its FAQs on the subject of rest breaks to provide further clarification and guidance on some nuances that employers may overlook. We already know the basics—that employers must authorize and permit non-exempt employees to take a rest break of at least net ten consecutive minutes for each four hours worked, or major fraction thereof, and that the break must, insofar as practicable, be taken in the middle of each work period. However, the FAQs illuminate a few other issues.

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A little-noticed change in the tax bill recently signed in to law will affect how employers resolve sexual harassment claims against them. Section 13307 of the tax bill amends the Internal Revenue Code to provide that no individual may deduct a “settlement or payment related to sexual harassment or sexual abuse if such settlement or payment is subject to a nondisclosure agreement.” It also prohibits the deduction of attorney’s fees related to any such payment.

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As of January 1, 2018, “adult use” or recreational marijuana became legal in California. Since then, hundreds of dispensaries have opened across California selling marijuana products to any adult over the age of 21. However, this change has surprisingly little impact on your rights and responsibilities as an employer.

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Justices Weigh Overtime Rules, an article by Christian J. Scali, Jennifer W. Burns and Jack Schaedel, opining on Encino Motorcars, LLC v. Navarro, a case before SCOTUS this term addressing the applicability of overtime exemptions under the FLSA to auto dealership service advisors, was published in the Daily Journal yesterday. SCOTUS heard oral argument in that case on January 17, 2018.

The Scali Law Firm rebrands as “Scali Rasmussen”

Name change reflects the firm’s rapid expansion

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Auto industry expert Halbert “Bert” Rasmussen, who joined The Scali Law Firm in 2017, will share the firm’s title. The change to Scali Rasmussen is a major milestone in the development of the firm Christian J. Scali founded in 2013 to bring to dealerships and other clients a deep understanding of the automotive industry and relevant state and federal laws and regulations.

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Each year The Scali Law Firm produces a compendium for clients and colleagues, with an overview of new laws and a review of legal developments in the year that past.

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On December 14, 2017, the Department of Defense (DOD) published new interpretive guidance of the Military Lending Act (MLA) that affects car dealers who sell GAP contracts and other credit-related services and products.
