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Accommodation once removed

A court’s expanded approach to an employer’s duty to accommodate a disabiity

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There's loads of instructional case authority interpreting employer obligations to reasonably accommodate disabilities under the Fair Employment and Housing Act ("FEHA") and the federal Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA"). But there's little pertaining to associational disability discrimination (yeah, it's a thing—discrimination against a person based on that person's association or relationship with someone who has a disability). Until now.

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Customer information is often one of the many assets transferred in the sale of a dealership. Customer information is subject to privacy, solicitation, and data security laws regulating its disclosure and use. This article provides a basic overview of some of the main privacy concerns that a selling dealer faces when transferring customer information.

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Lawsuits arising from motor vehicle collisions often include a claim against the owner of the vehicle because California law permits an award of damages against the vehicle owner for the negligence of a permissive user. For dealers operating their own vehicle rental operation the potential liability, as well as the cost of defending the lawsuit, is a significant burden. Our firm has successfully used a provision of federal law, commonly known as the Graves Amendment, to convince plaintiff’s lawyers not to file suit against our rental company clients, or to defeat the vicarious liability claim on summary judgment.

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With all the recent publicity surrounding increases in state and local minimum wage requirements and concern about how those increases could affect auto dealers, recent changes to another set of employee compensation rules have received substantially less attention. The U.S Department of Labor has made changes to its regulations that will more than double minimum salary requirements for while collar workers, which warrants proactive planning on the part of dealers and businesses in general.

Auto dealer attorney Christian Scali comments on Paul Walker Porsche law suit

Judge dismisses suit against Porsche in crash that killed actor Paul Walker

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The argument that a vehicle malfunction, and not excessive speed, led to the 2013 crash that claimed the life of “The Fast and the Furious” star Paul Walker was dealt a blow when a judge dismissed one of three wrongful-death suits filed against Porsche, court records show. This article, by James Queally, originally published in the Los Angeles Times, includes commentary by The Scali Law Firm founding member, Christian Scali.

Action required by April 1, 2016

Amendments to FEHA regulations impose new requirements

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New regulations for the Fair Employment and Housing Act are set to take effect April 1, 2016. Many of the provisions merely restate changes that are already in effect. But these regulations also provide some additional specificity to certain FEHA provisions and include some new obligations. We look at some of the more significant amendments and the requirements they impose on employer policies and their distribution.
