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Getting to Go

Buy/sell news for auto retailers

Getting to Go, is a quarterly newsletter focused on the dealership mergers and acquisitions business. We aim to bring dealers, investors, vendors, consultants and others working in the buy sell business insights and information. The automotive retail business is very complex and preparing to buy or sell a dealership then completing the actual transaction requires a great deal of specialized knowledge. We hope Getting to Go can give readers a useful resource for that knowledge.

So, you want to keep your dealership in the family?

Crafting the proper financial platform is key

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In today’s environment of roll ups, acquisitions, financial requirements imposed by manufacturers, changes in driving habits, the types of vehicles being produced, and the ever-changing economy, it is no wonder that dealers are questioning the future of their business. Many options are available, and none are really bad, but one must figure out what is best for you, the owner.

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Buy/sells are exciting, intense, and hopefully rewarding for all parties when completed. They come with ups and downs, surprises, and different opinions. Both sides churn through their checklists, working to validate their opinion of valuation.

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Gill Automotive Group in April acquired H & J Chevrolet in Kerman, California. The single-point dealership wasn’t struggling, which most of his acquisitions are, Jay Gill tells Getting to Go! But he was compelled to buy it for one main reason – Gill lives in Kerman.

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Dealership facility upgrades are a constant point of contention between factories and dealers. Factories can impose a wide range of facility demands, ranging from light brand image or signage updating, to complete facility refurbishment, rebuild, or even relocation. Dealers view many such requests as onerous and/or unlikely to provide any boost to sales.

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Dalton Corporation, headquartered in Guadalajara, Mexico, recently acquired its first automotive franchises in the U.S. Dalton’s vice president of innovation and new ventures Juan Carlos Rodriguez Villava spoke with Getting to GO! about Dalton’s U.S. expansion plans and the importance of working with a law firm with experience in cross-border transactions.

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In today’s unique market, many dealers are considering their buy-sell options. Getting a sense of the value of the business is the typical starting point. Brokers and investment bankers who focus on dealership transactions are quick to point to rules of thumb, especially the earnings multiplied by a multiple, where the multiple is based entirely on the franchise represented by the dealer. But this approach alone does not account for the wide variety of variables that are involved, nor does it deal with dealership real estate. While the earnings-times-multiple approach provides a quick gauge of value, both sides of this mathematical equation deserve some further attention.
