Articles, news & legal alerts

Read the latest news from Scali Rasmussen, including legal alerts and event listings.

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Despite all the ways driverless cars will make our roads safer, less congested and more accessible, at the moment the biggest roadblock, ironically, seems to be a government agency tasked with keeping our roads safe.

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As scores of Los Angeles-area residents, many of them blind or disabled, lined up Tuesday to urge the Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) to allow completely self-driving cars, The Scali Law Firm’s autonomous vehicle expert, John Swenson, urged officials not to stand in the way of progress.

New laws for 2016

Effective January 1, unless indicated otherwise

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With the New Year comes a host of new obligations for businesses—from employee time-off regulations and workers’ compensation benefits, to consumer protection and electronic communication privacy laws. Attorneys at The Scali Law Firm have compiled the highlights in this article to help you understand the changes that lie ahead.

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The Scali Law Firm’s Christian J. Scali and Gus N. Paras are certified as Corporate Compliance and Ethics Professionals (CCEP) with the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics. As CCEPs, Mr. Scali and Mr. Paras assist dealer groups in creating, adopting and implementing corporate compliance and ethics programs that merge best practices in advertising, employment and human resources, OSHA/safety, F&I and privacy into a comprehensive compliance program to effectively manage risk, whether it be governmental regulatory enforcement or civil liability.

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This article, by Christian Scali, in the California New Car Dealers Association's fall edition of DRIVEN provides a primer on the basics of advertising compliance in the digital space with some answers to more advanced and frequently asked compliance questions concerning digital marketing and advertising.
